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Is Iran still a safe travel destination?

Is Iran still a safe travel destination?

Well, after all those news and reactions about Iran, like when Mr. Donald Trump threatened Iran to destroy 52 of its cultural sites, the assassination of General Qasem Suleymani the Quds Army’s head, Iran targeting the US military base in Iran and the tragedy of the Ukrainian 572 aircraft crash introduced as a “human mistake”, we, the PacktoIran team, felt that we must update the information about safety in Iran in 2020.

January 21, 2020

While many countries have recently announced that Iran is not a safe destination to travel, as a member of the big Iran tourism family who is committed to publish and provide nothing but honest tourism information, we believe that Iran is still a safe travel destination. Today Iran is completely safe from ANY military attack or invasion by other countries, war, hostage or such issues and no protest is going on in any city. On the other hand, the 2020 travel risk map which is published by International SOS, considering political violence, social unrest, violent and petty crime, indicates that Iran is still among the safe destinations in the world. So, by considering some simple hypothetical risks you are going to be completely safe when you travel to Iran in 2020.

  • The protests are happened on specific spots and time, so avoiding the protest is going to be simple and this is not going to be a threat for travelers.
  • As you may know, flying a drone in Iran is forbidden so make sure not to bring your drone to Iran.
  • Carry a copy of your document with you and keep the original documents in the hotel locker.
  • Although Iran is a safe country for solo travelers, if you are concerned about your safety in Iran we encourage you to book a guided Iran tour and enjoy Iran with a peace of mind.
  • Drinking alcoholic beverages is forbidden in Iran, but surprisingly you may find some people who offer you alcohol and drugs. Since the beverages and drugs are strictly illegal in Iran and there is no control over producing them, buying alcohol and drugs from an unknown source is quite risky.

Pack to Iran team is going to update all the information above according to the real life in Iran, in case of any change in Iran’s safety status, so that travelers can decide on traveling to Iran with a clear sight. Because, we all believe that the language of travel is different from political and fake news and only by traveling a person can reveal the pure reality of a destination.

                   A female traveler and her child at Nasir al Molk Mosque in Shiraz


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