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Wandering through the historical bazaars of Iran

Wandering through the historical bazaars of Iran

Walking along the historical bazaars of Iran and exploring their labyrinth of corridors and alleys is not something that you can do every day. With astonishing architectural design and very old history, bazaars of Iran are among the attractions that shouldn’t be missed when you travel to Iran.

April 4, 2020

Bazaars of Iran were the beating heart of the old cities, which were surrounded by other main city elements like the Jame mosques, schools, and Hammams, and apart from being a place for trading almost everything from aromatic herbs to gold or luxurious carpets, bazaars of Iran were social centers where many sub-cultures and traditions were created. The merchants of Iranian bazaars had an important role in social or political activities and even protests. Each historical bazaar of Iran has main elements including, corridors related to specific guilds that are named “Raasteh”, junctions that connect four corridors named “Chaharsoo” or “Charsoo”, and caravanserais which were a place for sarbans and merchants who made long trading journeys, to take a rest and accommodate. As mentioned before, no trip to Iran will be complete without exploring some of the bazaars in Iran, and the below are some of the bazars that are suggested to be visited while you are in Iran.

Tabriz Bazaar

The majestic bazaar of Tabriz is the largest bazaar in Iran, and is registered as a UNESCO World Heritage site which consists a complex of interconnected brick corridors, stores, mosques and even local restaurants. Since the city of Tabriz was a connection between the west and the east and the ancient Silk Road passed through this city, this bazaar was one of the most important places for commercial and cultural interchange in the whole world. While wandering in Tabriz Bazaar do not forget to explore the beauty of Timcheh Mozafarieh where the eye catching Tabriz carpets are traded and have some local snacks in its cozy and vibrant restaurants. Visit Tabriz Bazaar on this tour!


Merchants at Tabriz Bazaar

Merchants at Tabriz Bazaar

Gajali Khan Bazaar in Kerman

The Ganjali Khan Bazaar of Kerman is a part of the Ganjali Khan Complex including a bathhouse with amazing wall paintings, a caravanserai which was constructed in Kerman by the order of Ganjali Khan the commander of Kerman during the Safavid Dynasty. Ganjali Khan Bazar is known for its copper stores at which craftsmen are busy with making copper objects with hammers and the Chahar Soogh which connects four different bazaars of Kerman and has a beautiful dome with wonderful ornaments. There are other historical bazaars in Kerman like the Vakil Bazaar which are constructed in this timeworn city during different dynasties. Visit Ganjali Khan Bazaar on this tour!

Ganjali Khan Bazaar of Kerman

Ganjali Khan Bazaar of Kerman

Minab Thursday Market

Minab is a historical city in Hormozgan Province in south of Iran. A local market is held in Minab every week on Thursday at which locals especially women gather to sell fresh vegetables, seafood and handicrafts like handmade burqas, wicker baskets, embroidery textiles, potteries and etc. According to historians, the antiquity of this local market goes back to 500 years ago, when the residents of each village in this area were required to provide only one good at the market. With colorful vegetables and products, and crowd of Minab locals busy with trading, Minab Thursday Market has a very vibrant atmosphere and is one of the most intresting bazaars of Iran.


Locals at Minab Thursday Market

Locals at Minab Thursday Market

Qeisariyeh Bazaar of Isfahan

Being constructed during the Safavid Dynasty, the Qeisariyeh Bazaar of Isfahan is located by the Naqshe Jahan Square (one of the most scenic historical squares in the world) and was one of the largest and most luxurious trading centers during that time. Qeisariyeh Bazar is known for its royal gate named the Qeisariyeh Gate which opens to the Naqshe Jahan Square. This bazaar is where you can find the best Iranian handicrafts and carpets which are produced in the beautiful city of Isfahan. Visit Qeisariyeh Bazar on this tour!

Travelers visiting Qeisariyeh Bazaar of Isfahan

Travelers visiting Qeisariyeh Bazaar of Isfahan

Rasht Bazaar

Thanks to its fertile soil and rich resources of fishing in the northern region of Iran (situated between the Caspian Sea and Alborz Mountain Range), Rasht is introduced as the city of creative gastronomy by UNESCO. The traditional bazaar of Rasht is the heart of economy in the city, and although this unroofed bazaar doesn't have a special architectural design, it is one of the most thriving bazaars of Iran where you can find colorful and local vegetables and fruits, fresh fish, home-made mouth watering pickles and traditional teahouses, where you can have a cup of Iranian tea. One of the attractions in Rasht Bazaar are the sellers who invite costumers to buy vegetables by singling simple rhymes. Visit Rasht Bazaar on this tour!

Rasht Bazaar

Rasht Bazaar

Vakil Bazaar in Shiraz

Vakil Bazaar of Shiraz is a part of the historical Vakil Complex, including the bazar, the bathhouse, the mosque and the citadel which was constructed during the Zand Dynasty (11th century). The vaulted brick ceiling of the bazaar is a genius way which was invented to keep the temperature of bazaar cool during summer and warm during winter. Vakil Bazaar is one of those bazaars at which you can feel a special oriental atmosphere because of its remarkable architecture, apothecary stores, colorful textiles, and carpet stores trading nomadic carpets. Visit Vakil Bazaar on this tour!

Colorful textiles at Vakil Bazaar of Shiraz

Colorful textiles at Vakil Bazaar of Shiraz

Bazaar of Kashan

The historical bazaar of Kashan is another architectural masterpiece from the Safavid Era, at which you can see locals busy with different labors from making copper utensils and repairing shoes, to trading Kashan carpets and antiques. The most amazing part of Kashan Bazaar is the Timcheh Amin-o-dowleh (Aminoddole) which is significant for its eye-catching ornaments. This plaza was constructed for commerce of merchandise, but today locals of Kashan hold religious ceremonies at this spot. Visit Kashan Bazaar on this tour!

Timche Amin-o-doleh at Kashan Bazaar
Timche Amin-o-doleh at Kashan Bazaar


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